Michael DeWit
Michael works with and as a part of organizational teams to manage ongoing operational issues and has completed projects in more than 50 industry sectors, including energy, waste management, aviation, and transportation across the U.S., Canada, and internationally. His work has included more than 1,000 Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) and energy projects.
Michael has spent more than 30 years developing and implementing compliance and management programs for public and private sector clients, as well as training auditors and audit teams. He conducted environmental compliance audits, and environmental due diligence audits for more than 30 years and conducted environmental management system (EMS) audits for more than 20 years. Michael developed auditing best practices, audit standards development at the national level and internationally, and unique audit programs.
As a member of TC 207 (environmental management) and National Chair of the Auditing sub-committee, he works with environmental program experts globally. As a member of ISO TC 301 (Energy Management and Savings) and National Chair of the Committee, he works with energy management experts worldwide.
MBA, Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, 1998
B.A. Faculty of Science, Western University, 1987
Air Water Resources Field Technology Diploma, Fanshawe College, 1985
Certified Environmental Professional, Compliance Auditor EP (CEA)
Certified Environmental Professional, Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor EP (EMSLA)
Qualified Environmental Professional, Institute of Professional Environmental Practice
Certified Sustainability Professional, Canadian Professional Sustainability Institute
Certified Corporate Social Responsibility Practitioner (CSR-P), Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)
Certified Practitioner in Industrial Energy Management Systems (CP-EnMS - Industrial)
AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Center for Environmental Excellence, listed Technical Expert on Environmental Management Systems
Certified Training - Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting program
ISO 14016, Contributing Member of International Development Working Group, Published, Environmental management: Guidelines on the assurance of environmental reports, 2020
ISO 50004, Contributing Member of International Development Working Group, Energy management systems: Requirements with guidance for use, 2018
ISO 50001, Contributing Member of International Development Working Group, Energy management systems: Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an ISO 50001 energy management system, 2020
CSA Z 773, Contributing Member of National Development Working Group, Environmental Compliance Auditing, 2017
ISO 17021-2, Contributing Member of International Development Working Group, Conformity assessment: Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems — Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems, 2016
Prototype Airport Sustainability Rating System, Contributing Author, Airport Cooperative Research Program, 2014